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the Consulate General of Israel in Houston

The Consulate General of Israel to the Southwest is the official representative of the State of Israel to the Southwest.

We serve as liaison between the residents of Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma and the State of Israel. 

Why LatinTech Pitch?

Every year the Consulate works to honor the Latino community, especially during Hispanic Heritage Month. The importance of the Hispanic community in Texas is significant with profound impacts on our shared history, culture, and economy.


It is an important mission of The Consulate to connect and engage with the growing Latino Community in Texas by building on the multitude of shared values between Israel and Hispanic Americans.   

The best way to celebrate and cultivate this relationship is by fostering innovation.  We want to share our passion and know-how in the high-tech sector to help engage and promote success with Texas's developing Hispanic start-up scene.  


We are excited to see how our partnership can bring more Latino leaders in innovation in our region.  

Our Partners


Bring your start-up to the next level with the help of the start-up nation!

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